Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Vocabulary words

Alleged- doubtful; suspect; supposed. This picture represents the suspicion in their faces, like if they might be up to something, and people might not want to believe what they have to say just by looking at there facial expressions.
Adverse- opposing one's interests or desire; opposite; confronting. This picture is showing Adverse, because the girl is disagreeing with the guy since he cheated on her; and she found out. in this picture it shows the girl confronting the guy from all the lies he told her, with the other girl right there too, he's getting caught up!

Zealous- ardently active, devoted, or diligent. This picture represents Zealous because the girl , is showing dedication to her work, and is doing her work very proficiently and on task.
Vehement- strongly emotional; intense or passionate. This photo is expressing vehement because these two are showing passion, and is used all the time in soap operas. soap operas express their emotions very strongly, in which this picture is doing.

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