Thursday, November 29, 2007

current event

In Fairmont, Minnesota.
Aaron Giles, 31, of Gloucester, Mass., lived in Fairmont as a child. He would always play hide-and-seek and different child games with his brothers in his grandfather's barn in Fairmont. Around that time is when he noticed that his metal identity bracelet was missing that included all his information(name, address, and number), he had thought he had lost it at the age of the years 4 or 5. It was found it 25 years later, inside of a chickens gizzard.
The The barn was dismantled a few years ago, and the materials were used to construct another barn in rural Elmore, about 45 miles away. Workers at Olson Locker in Fairmont were cutting the meat of chickens that came from an Elmore farm when one of them, Brittany McDonald, came across a shiny object in a chicken gizzard. McDonald, whose grandfather owns the locker, saw Aaron's name, address and phone number engraved on it. Olson was able to track down Giles' father, Doug, who had moved to Arizona. Giles says he received his old bracelet in September.
"It was in pretty immaculate shape. Everything was working on it, and all the engravings on it were still legible," Giles said. "It was quite the surprise."
He says he hopes to keep that bracelet running in his family, as many years to come.

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