Thursday, December 6, 2007


I think that you technically no one has any right at all to kidnap someone to be using them for, so that another life could live. If it isn't right to kidnap a child or a an older person, what makes it right to just to do it to an ordinary person? But i think it depends on the person, because if it is a person who doesn't really care about anyone' s lives, and has hatred on human beings for some reason. That person will just pull off the cord. but on the other hand if it was a person who was very kind they might leave it on, and wouldn't mind staying in the hospital so that the life of another person stays alive according to your choice. Therefore, i think there should be no obligation but a choice in which to stay connected. yes, people could argue that you are taking some one's life, in which is murdering, and therefore murdering is illegal; a crime. But the thing is that the person was taken not by choice, but kidnapped which is also illegal. So they wouldn't be able to bring up the murdering crime.

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