Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vocab words

This little girl, is a perfectionist and won't listen to anyone when she is drawing. Her tenacity in getting the drawing perfect won't let her. This male model is scophyant, because he just uses girl to get whatever he wants from them for his benefit.

The girl embezzled her friend, while they are taking the test. To use his ideas as hers.

In each spoon there a paucity of each ingredient to add for the cake.

This picture illustrates, how this builduing was maybe a home or a business. But it is now obsolete.

Embezzle - To take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust

Emaciate - to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh.

Obsolete - no longer in general use

Obviate - prevent the occurrence of

Penchant - A definite liking; a strong inclination

Paucity - smallness of quantity

Sycophant - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

Taut - tightly drawn

Tenuous (adjective) - lacking in clarity

Tenacity (noun) - persistent determination

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