Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Vocabulary words

Resilience (n): Ability to recover completely from illness. This girl in the picture had just recovered from a heart translplant. which was a life and dath decision to do.
Sanguine (adj) : Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident. My cousin and my nephew always remind me of being happy, or making people come out of there sad mood swings they can always cheer someone up.

Repudiate (v) : To cast off or disown. This is a picture of divorce papers, which is significant to Repudiate because after getting a divorce. You know longer supposed to consider your husband "Yours" anymore.

Disseminate(v) : To scatter widely. This picture shows how all the clothes are scattered on the floor.

Eloquence(n) : The power of expressing feelings. This picture is expressing eloquence because in painting art it show many feelings a person might not wan to share verbally but maybe in art, like the Mona Lisa for Leonardo DaVinci.

Disseminate (v) : To scatter widely
Eloquence (n) : The power of expressing feelings
Austere (adj) : Serious
Baleful (adj) : Sinister
Bigot (n) : Person who is utterrly intolrent of any creed/belief
Relapse (n) and (v) : Falling back into a former state
Repudiate (v) : To cast off or disown
Resilience (n) Ability to recover completely from illness
Sanguine (adj) : Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident.
Renovate (v): To restore to good condition

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