Friday, June 13, 2008
Latin Soul History
In most cities such as San Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles, Houston, Texas, and New York. The African American Audience was the main audiences mostly because they would sing the R&B songs and soul. This was important for new Latino musicians, because “Chicano Rock” had started in the 60’s and had emerged from Blues and Rock’n Roll and blew up in East LA. So when Latin Soul was starting in the 1960’s they had really good bands, such as: Sunny and the Sunglows, Thee Midniters'and more famously, Cannibal and the Headhunters' most of the listeners thought that these groups were African American bands.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Current Event
West Nile virus found in four more birds:
This year in the city of San diego there have been 14 cases that have tested positive for West Nile virus. The birds were two American crows, one raven and one scrub jay, these brids were found in Carmel Valley, Mira Mesa and Rancho Bernardo. This is a serious illness that is very easy to spread, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control(CDC) and Prevention; which is by mosquito bites that have been preeviously bitten infected birds. The symptoms the West Nile Virus can range from headaches and high fever to convulsions, paralysis and coma, according to the CDC.
This year in the city of San diego there have been 14 cases that have tested positive for West Nile virus. The birds were two American crows, one raven and one scrub jay, these brids were found in Carmel Valley, Mira Mesa and Rancho Bernardo. This is a serious illness that is very easy to spread, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control(CDC) and Prevention; which is by mosquito bites that have been preeviously bitten infected birds. The symptoms the West Nile Virus can range from headaches and high fever to convulsions, paralysis and coma, according to the CDC.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Reading the article "Classrooms have become unnecessarily high tech" by the Mercury News, showed me a different perspective on how I see our school (HTHI) and how I look at other schools that don’t have the same privileges like our school does. For example, having a class set of lap tops and doing either our class work or homework for humanities on a blog, and having the ability to learn different software and computer programs But I do agree with this article, saying that the government spends thousands of dollars on textbooks, especially when they have to do changes to them, or when they want to add things. And in some ways when your in fourth grade you shouldn’t be learning how to type and use the keyboard, just like how it use to be the kids should learn to use the keyboard in junior high or high school. Yes, we should be up to date with our technology be we still need to teach the things that will never get old in a textbook. Which is why I think that most schools should have class set laptops, because that way if the government wants to change or renew some kind of information, it is easier and don't need to pay a whole other $30,000 for new textbooks, instead could use that money on supplies the school might need. Plus a laptop has information from all the subjects from math to history to English and science all put in one resource.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Vocabulary Words
Proximity: Nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation.
Tranquility: Quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.
Tortuous: full of twists, turns, or bends; twisting, winding, or crooked.
synchronously: Occurring at the same time; coinciding in time.
Senescent: Growing old; aging.
Reticence: Disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved.

Laboriously: Characterized by or requiring extreme care and much attention to detail.
Interminable: Incapable of being terminated; unending.
Vocabulary words:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Current event
According to Sweetwater school district, there computer system was breached into the article didn't mention when but they are going to start changing all their passwords thursday. Sweetwater's director of grants and communications said that there was no evidence showing that any of their information was changed. The director indeed find a student with different individual student schedules, which is unauthorized access to students. She also said that a student got the teachers password because the teacher had it on note stuck on her computer, and the student whoever got the schedules only got access to what that teaher could view. The district is changing passwords on its e-mail system, its student information system that includes contact information and its test scores and other academic data.
Last month Six Rancho Bernardo High School students were suspended after school officials discovered a cheating scandal that involved hacking into the computer system. In which Poway Unified School District, grades were changed and tests were accessed.
Last month Six Rancho Bernardo High School students were suspended after school officials discovered a cheating scandal that involved hacking into the computer system. In which Poway Unified School District, grades were changed and tests were accessed.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Vocabulary Words

This lady is going through a very weird and awkward massage

He was amorous towards her by bringing her flowers on her birthday.
Vocabulary Words-
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Book Report
Leticia's Secret:
Reason, Setting: I chose this book, because someone had recommended it to my dad, for me to read. But by reading the back cover it seemed interesting to read. This book is takes place in San Fernando Valley, and is tween story of something suspicious that is about her family, and how they treat her cousin Leticia, secrets and mysteries between their families.
Plot: In the book Rosario which around 12 years old, has to deal with never having her father around, and having to move a lot, because her mom would have multiple jobs in different places. And most of there family lived in San Fernando Valley, which was 3 hours from the town that they lived in. So Rosario’s mother had no one to leave her with especially when she was growing up. After a couple years they moved to San Fernando Valley with their family, and her mom worked full time. She would notice how once she started living with her aunts, uncles, and cousins, that they would make her do a lot of housework more than there own kids. The only cousin she was close with was her cousin Leticia, and she was everyone’s favorite niece or daughter. When ever she was caught arguing with her, the adults would make her do chores. In her new school she couldn'tmake any friends, and started getting depressed because she was lonely.
Character: Rosario is a main character in the novel, and I chose her because she was very inspiring to here how her early childhood and early teens she grew up. Which no person should have to go through, like not being able to see your own mom, for a couple days because she works night shifts and sleeps her days off and through the day. Also going from town to town making and breaking up friendships. Not really being able to talk to somebody, if you feel sad. Rosario would tell herself when she would see her mom crying after work that one day everything is going to be okay, and her mom won’t have to work that much because she is going to go to college. And even if her family, doesn’t treat her and her mom like family, that should be supportive to them instead they look at them like they have failed both of their lives. Rosario never gives up hoping that one day they get something better.
Evaluation: I really like this book, mostly because I thought this was a very inspiring book, not just because showing me how you have to try hard to get things and if not later on it’s going to be harder on you. But I learned that sometimes if you do your best, some kind of good will come your way. And no matter how much you think life is so bad, and your life couldn’t get anymore worse there will always be somebody suffering more than you. Like kids starving in Haiti, or in Africa, or people being forced to live on the streets, or in this case practically living with out your parents, one your mother has no other option but to work a lot, and second your father is a drunk and just left you and your mother 3 years after you were born. It just makes me think about the little things that I have, and that people would kill to have.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Current Event
36 teens arrested in truancy sweep:
It didn't say how many students, but some were found with tobacco, marijuana and drug paraphernalia and will have to face extra charges.
(sorry Elika, I just checked my blog and it showed that it wasn't posted just saved)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Vocabulary Words
Vocabulary Words:
epitome -a standard or typical example
revere -to regard with respect tinged with awe
vertigo -being in tilting or spinning surroundings
punitive -concerned with, or inflicting punishment
slander -a malicious, false statement
squander -to spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly or wastefully
panache -a grand or flamboyant manner
forlorn -appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned
quell -to suppress; put an end to
revere -to regard with respect tinged with awe
vertigo -being in tilting or spinning surroundings
punitive -concerned with, or inflicting punishment
slander -a malicious, false statement
squander -to spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly or wastefully
panache -a grand or flamboyant manner
forlorn -appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned
quell -to suppress; put an end to
concision - small quality
libel -the act or crime of publishing it
defamation -false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another
misdirection -a wrong or incorrect direction
libel -the act or crime of publishing it
defamation -false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another
misdirection -a wrong or incorrect direction
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Book Report
A Patriot After All: The story of Chicano Vet.

Ramirez, Juan. A Patriot After All: the story of a Chicano vet. University of New Mexico. Library of Congress: 1999.
I chose this book, because many of the books I was planning to read; my library didn’t have them. But as I was looking for another interesting book that had to do with the Vietnam War, because that’s what group I am in for the “War Documentary Project”. I actually came upon a book that was somewhat related to my ethnicity, which I thought was kind of cool, because I didn’t know of any Mexican descent people that were Vietnam vets. This book is autobiography of a persons life, being a youth wanting to go to the Vietnam War, and mostly focused on his life changing experience in war, and when he came back home.
The books main action point was when he was talking about his experiences in war, and told how he was put on combat when he barely arrived to Vietnam and wasn’t prepared on ways to react. And mostly because before getting to combat you have to do some time at war getting used to it. He was saying how out of fifteen people in his squad only 3 survived including him. Even though he didn’t know them very much or well enough, it traumatized him for watching their death, because the stepped on one the trap that exploded. It was also a shock, when he went in to the war, he observed that some of the people already in the war acted so cold to the Vietnamese civilians and would let them die and wouldn’t do nothing about it, and said he would never let himself get like that. When his term was over he was a big alcoholic and was addicted to a lot of hard drugs. He became very aggressive and abusive when he was drunk and it affected his relationship with his family, friends, and life. He came back as a whole new person.
The character I chose is the main character; his name is Juan Ramirez growing up in California when he was little people called him John. He was a Chicano; his parents were Mexican and had had family living in Northern California with him. Both of his parents worked in the fields, and soon they saved enough to buy a small house. Soon his father joined the army for WWII and came back and wasn’t given the things he was promised for joining. When he came back from the war he was like him but just an alcoholic. After graduating from high school he decided to join the war.
I really enjoyed this book, because I never read a war book before, that I actually understood what was going on. I’m glad that I had done some research on the war before I started to read, because in some instances they would talk about communism, but I knew what they were talking about. And they also said a lot of good information of what the war was about, and how life was like for the U.S citizens living watching the war happen, and also the innocent Vietnamese Citizens. I would recommend this book to my friends, because the whole time when I was reading it kept me wanting to read more, very interesting.
The books main action point was when he was talking about his experiences in war, and told how he was put on combat when he barely arrived to Vietnam and wasn’t prepared on ways to react. And mostly because before getting to combat you have to do some time at war getting used to it. He was saying how out of fifteen people in his squad only 3 survived including him. Even though he didn’t know them very much or well enough, it traumatized him for watching their death, because the stepped on one the trap that exploded. It was also a shock, when he went in to the war, he observed that some of the people already in the war acted so cold to the Vietnamese civilians and would let them die and wouldn’t do nothing about it, and said he would never let himself get like that. When his term was over he was a big alcoholic and was addicted to a lot of hard drugs. He became very aggressive and abusive when he was drunk and it affected his relationship with his family, friends, and life. He came back as a whole new person.
The character I chose is the main character; his name is Juan Ramirez growing up in California when he was little people called him John. He was a Chicano; his parents were Mexican and had had family living in Northern California with him. Both of his parents worked in the fields, and soon they saved enough to buy a small house. Soon his father joined the army for WWII and came back and wasn’t given the things he was promised for joining. When he came back from the war he was like him but just an alcoholic. After graduating from high school he decided to join the war.
I really enjoyed this book, because I never read a war book before, that I actually understood what was going on. I’m glad that I had done some research on the war before I started to read, because in some instances they would talk about communism, but I knew what they were talking about. And they also said a lot of good information of what the war was about, and how life was like for the U.S citizens living watching the war happen, and also the innocent Vietnamese Citizens. I would recommend this book to my friends, because the whole time when I was reading it kept me wanting to read more, very interesting.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Current event
Current event:
Today in Northern Florida there was a tornado that ripped through the city. And took the life of two people, and damaged dozens of homes and businesses, an emergency official confirmed.
One woman was killed when a tree fell on her mobile home and the other person died in a generator accident. Some 50 homes were damaged, some were destroyed and about a dozen or more businesses also were affected.
Today in Northern Florida there was a tornado that ripped through the city. And took the life of two people, and damaged dozens of homes and businesses, an emergency official confirmed.
One woman was killed when a tree fell on her mobile home and the other person died in a generator accident. Some 50 homes were damaged, some were destroyed and about a dozen or more businesses also were affected.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Vocabulary words
scuttlebutt - A cask on a ship used to hold the day's supply of drinking water
bulwark - a wall of earth or other material built for defense
hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence
dearth - famine; an inadequate supply
deference - respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc., of another
emulate - to try to equal or excel
imitate -to mimic; impersonate
mimic - to be an imitation of
endemic - Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people
aborigine - one of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or region.
inchoate - not yet completed or fully developed
precursor - One that precedes another
volatile - tending or threatening to break out into open violence
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Vocab words
Embezzle - To take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust
Emaciate - to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh.
Obsolete - no longer in general use
Obviate - prevent the occurrence of
Penchant - A definite liking; a strong inclination
Paucity - smallness of quantity
Sycophant - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
Taut - tightly drawn
Tenuous (adjective) - lacking in clarity
Tenacity (noun) - persistent determination
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Vocabulary Words

1. lucidity - easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible
2. conciliatory - To make or attempt to make compatible; reconcile
2. conciliatory - To make or attempt to make compatible; reconcile
3. countermand - to revoke or cancel
4. acumen - Quickness, accuracy
5. insurrection - an act or instance of rising in revolt
6. fidelity - loyalty
7. complicit - choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, esp. with others
8. steadfast - firm in purpose, resolution, faith
9. emancipation - freeing someone from the control of another
10. bolster - support and strengthen
Current Event
Teen arrested, linked to brawl after soccer match:
Yesterday 18-year-old Sergio Felipe de Jesus Perez was arrested. This young man was a senior at San Ysidro High school, and was charged because in connection with an Otay Ranch High school soccer game. This game was three weeks ago, which broke out and ended the game with a fight. Sergio was booked yesterday into the Chula Vista jail on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and battery causing serious injury. There were several witnesses saying that Sergio was the attacker, on February 1st.
During the game one of the Otay Ranch players Alberto Ayala also known as “Tito” was kicked in the head, and had to be hospitalized. Police official said that he had already left by the time the police had gotten there. But not only did he get kicked in the head, he was punched, and knocked to the ground; which is where they kicked his head. Ayala says he was punched by San Ysidro High coach, and was arrested for four days because he choked another Otay Ranch player and was released after the four days to see his attorney. The coach declined to file charges, and also denied choking the player or punching Ayala.
Yesterday 18-year-old Sergio Felipe de Jesus Perez was arrested. This young man was a senior at San Ysidro High school, and was charged because in connection with an Otay Ranch High school soccer game. This game was three weeks ago, which broke out and ended the game with a fight. Sergio was booked yesterday into the Chula Vista jail on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and battery causing serious injury. There were several witnesses saying that Sergio was the attacker, on February 1st.
During the game one of the Otay Ranch players Alberto Ayala also known as “Tito” was kicked in the head, and had to be hospitalized. Police official said that he had already left by the time the police had gotten there. But not only did he get kicked in the head, he was punched, and knocked to the ground; which is where they kicked his head. Ayala says he was punched by San Ysidro High coach, and was arrested for four days because he choked another Otay Ranch player and was released after the four days to see his attorney. The coach declined to file charges, and also denied choking the player or punching Ayala.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Book Report
Chbosky, Stephen. “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. NY, New York. MTV books: February1999.
Reason, Type, and setting: This book is a teen diary, and he isn’t really sure of what he is doing most of the time, it’s filled with romance, drama, and also adventure. But this take place around this time era it’s not too far back of the teen age I live in. just like the rest of my book that I read, it was also recommended to me by a friend. I do this because I don’t like reading a book and realizing half way through this book that I don’t like it and it’s a waste of time, so I read books people tell me they think are good.
Plot: In this book the main character’s best friend dies of suicidal murder, and has a hard time with it. In which he has barely started High School, and isn’t very social compared to his older brother and sister. His brother is now in college and playing football, and his sister is a senior and is very popular, plus she is very pretty. He makes some friends by going t one of the school’s football’s game, and which soon become his best friends. There a brother and sister, and smoke cigarettes (they are also seniors). Thy helped him get his first girlfriend, and help him become more social, and had his us and downs that year with those two friends. And even got a little closer with his sister. But at the end of the year I think is the worst because they all move away to o to college, and is back to the same spot were he was in the beginning of the year.
Character: The character I chose is not the main character, but is the one who the main character is secretly in love with. This girls name is Sam, and she has been like the main characters (Charlie) best friend, always giving him advice, showing him how to treat a girl on a date, and even exposing him to drugs. But she told him she also loved but as a friend, which was very for her to do because instead of lying she would hurt him more. Out of the whole book, I thought that Sam was the most realistic, and true type of girl and friend.
Evaluation: I really liked this book, especially because a lot of times, when the writer would put in questions, that I think sometimes to myself. Usually I think if there’s also a person asking themselves the same question, so I guess there are. And I really like it because I think most people could relate to it because they have been through different parts like what the book explained. Especially entering your first year of High School.
Current Event

There has been local reporters say that the person who shot 13 people is dead. The shooting happened Thursday February 14, 2008 at 3pm E.T. at the at Northern Illinois University in the DeKalb campus outside of Chicago. Of the 13 people shot at they all mostly have been shot in the head according to the spokesman of the hospital 10 minutes outside of the college, where only six patients are being treated for head injuries. and only two have been treated at a local hospital.
Although it has been reported that 3 are in critical condition, 8 are in stable condition, while thankfully 6 are in god condition.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Vocabulary words

Disseminate (v) : To scatter widely
Eloquence (n) : The power of expressing feelings
Austere (adj) : Serious
Baleful (adj) : Sinister
Bigot (n) : Person who is utterrly intolrent of any creed/belief
Relapse (n) and (v) : Falling back into a former state
Repudiate (v) : To cast off or disown
Resilience (n) Ability to recover completely from illness
Sanguine (adj) : Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident.
Renovate (v): To restore to good condition
Renovate (v): To restore to good condition
Music project

A song is a short metrical composition intended or adapted for singing, especially one in rhymed stanzas; a lyric. This song I have picked in particular falls under the category of R & B or soul and some kind of funk. My song is written and sang by Lauryn Hill. Most of her influences come from Reggae and Jamaica, since she was married to one Bob Marley sons, but at the same time mixed in with freestyle hip hop/rap.Lauryn Created her album her self except the music beats, she got them from other influences. She was 23 when she created the album and pregnant with her second child. It reflected her personal view and exposes her street persona and attains universality with her simple stories of girlhood.
It's funny how money change a situation
Miscommunication leads to complication
My emancipation don't fit your equation
I was on the humble, you - on every station
Some wan' play young Lauryn like she dumb
But remember not a game new under the sun
Everything you did has already been done
I know all the tricks from Bricks to KingstonMy ting done made your kingdom wan' run
Now understand L. Boogie's non violent
But if a thing test me, run for mi gun
Can't take a threat to mi newborn son
L's been this way since creation
A groupie call, you fall from temptation
Now you wanna ball over separation
Tarnish my image in your conversation
Who you gon' scrimmage, like you the champion
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
Now, now how come your talk turn cold
Now, now how come your talk turn cold
Gained the whole world for the price of your soul
Tryin' to grab hold of what you can't control
Now you're all floss, what a sight to behold
Wisdom is better than silver and goldI was hopeless now
I'm on Hope roadEvery man want to act like he's exempt
When him need to get down on his knees and repent
Can't slick talk on the day of judgement
Your movement's similar to a serpent
Tried to play straight, how your whole style bent?
Consequence is no coincidence
Hypocrites always want to play innocent
Always want to take it to the full out extent
Always want to make it seem like good intent
Never want to face it when it's time for punishment
I know that you don't wanna hear my opinion
But there come many paths and you must choose one
And if you don't change then the rain soon come
See you might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you really lost one
You might win some but you really lost one
You just lost one, it's so silly how come
When it's all done did you really gain from
What you done done, it's so silly how come
You just lost one
Now don't you understand man universal law
Now don't you understand man universal law
What you throw out comes back to you, star
Never underestimate those who you scar
Cause karma, karma, karma comes back to you hard
You can't hold God's people back that long
The chain of Shatan wasn't made that strong
Trying to pretend like your word is your bond
But until you do right, all you do will go wrong
Now some might mistake this for just a simple song
And some don't know what they have 'til it's gone
Now even when you're gone you can still be reborn
And, from the night can arrive the sweet dawn
Now, some might listen and some might shun
And some may think that they've reached perfection
If you look closely you'll see what you've become
Cause you might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you just lost one
You might win some but you really lost one
You might win some but you really lost one
You just lost one, it's so silly how come
When it's all done did you really gain from
What you done done, it so silly how come
(repeat to end)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Current Event
Ex-nurse admits in court she killed 7-month-old:
Yesterday in the south county court (Chula Vista) a former nurse pleaded guilty for second degree murder of a 7-month old baby girl. The nurse was the babysitter at the time (Eileen Villamayor, 33) around August 2006. In which she was a licensed vocational nurse, and told the police that the baby was crying and wouldn't stop which soon got her frustrated. Which was then when she grabbed the baby by the hair and threw on the floor, police reported last year. She is going to have mandatory prison sentence from 15 years to life.
The baby girl that died was Nicole Alegado. Her father attended a hearing, which is where he testified that Eileen was his girlfriend, and that they shared that apartment in National City from where the incident happened.
Yesterday in the south county court (Chula Vista) a former nurse pleaded guilty for second degree murder of a 7-month old baby girl. The nurse was the babysitter at the time (Eileen Villamayor, 33) around August 2006. In which she was a licensed vocational nurse, and told the police that the baby was crying and wouldn't stop which soon got her frustrated. Which was then when she grabbed the baby by the hair and threw on the floor, police reported last year. She is going to have mandatory prison sentence from 15 years to life.
The baby girl that died was Nicole Alegado. Her father attended a hearing, which is where he testified that Eileen was his girlfriend, and that they shared that apartment in National City from where the incident happened.
Vocabulary words

equivocate - to avoid making an explicit statement.
eradicate - to remove or destroy utterly; extirpate
escalate - to increase in intensity
esoteric - understood by or meant for only the select few.
Euphoria- a feeling of happiness.
espouse - to make one's own; adopt or embrace, as a cause
eulogy - a set oration in honor of a deceased person.
Euthanasia- mercy killing.
Erode- destroy by slow consumption or disintegration.
Erratic- eccentric; queer.
11) epitome - a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class
Friday, January 25, 2008
“Why do we fight”:
In this documentary I observed that they had a touching story to contribute with the subject of the movie. And also put different opinions of different people from other places. I found interesting when they asked the public if we knew why we were fighting they couldn’t answer it. But then also asked people from Iran, and some of them did know why and some didn’t. They also asked them if where they live should be more like America, and they said no. It was interesting when they were telling the story of the father that lost his son in the 9/11 attack. But the part that really struck out to me was when he put his sons name on a bomb that was 100% successful and soon told the father that they weren’t sure if they were the ones who did 9/11.
In this documentary I observed that they had a touching story to contribute with the subject of the movie. And also put different opinions of different people from other places. I found interesting when they asked the public if we knew why we were fighting they couldn’t answer it. But then also asked people from Iran, and some of them did know why and some didn’t. They also asked them if where they live should be more like America, and they said no. It was interesting when they were telling the story of the father that lost his son in the 9/11 attack. But the part that really struck out to me was when he put his sons name on a bomb that was 100% successful and soon told the father that they weren’t sure if they were the ones who did 9/11.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Book Report
J. Rodriguez, Luis. Always Running. Willimantic, Connecticut. Touchstone:1993.
Reason, Type/Setting: The reason I chose this book was because a teacher (Alejandra) from the school was supporting this book and encouraging students to read the book. And she didn’t personally tell me about the book, but my friends told me that it was a really good book, and very inspiring which I found for myself too. So I was interested in reading the book for my book club. In this book it shares in detail of a the writers life, and all the things he went through just to make it up to the top, when he had nothing going for him as a gang group member in the streets of LA. This biography (story of his life) involves with teen romance, action, a lot of drama, but at the same time leaves you wanting to know what’s going to happen next every time you put the book down. He mentioned the dates of 1960s to the 1080s and up, but all the violence and discrimination that was described and violation of human rights feels like he was talking about today’s current date because it sometimes still goes on.
Plot: In this book there was no particular major conflict, the whole book was based on conflicts and how at the end he managed to get through them. But to start out with he always was picked on since a little a kid especially by his older brother, and kids older than him would always take advantage of him. But as soon as he entered junior high he saw how people had power just by claiming they were from somewhere, and people automatically respected by them if not they would pay a harsh price. He soon got into a gang with a couple of his friends, and started to ditch and try new drugs, and experience things kids at the age of 12 shouldn’t be experiencing. He soon got really attached to it, and became more involved he soon started getting into more fights at school, get into fights related to the gangs, and soon moved to three or four schools in one semester. After he got more involved and deeper in it, his mom kicked him out of the house for not being responsible or even trying to live for something. He lived with his friends and sometimes on the streets (he was around 13 or 14), after he knew he wanted to stay and represent his hood he started to work for them. He stole from houses; car and even people just get money to survive. His let him back in the house, he always gave her money because they poor too, after a while his mom didn’t acknowledge him no more because she didn’t see him like the same son anymore. After a while he started getting revenges from the main opposing gang, and started doing drive-bys, jumping people/family, and maybe even to the extent of murdering.
Character: The main character is Luis Rodriguez “Chin”, throughout the book he described a hard-living life to go through. I would never imagine myself going through that I wouldn’t know how to! But the ways he had to go through it, was tremendous! He had tattoos on his body by the age 13 and and tried every drug in the book by that age too. He was Mexican with both parents’ immigrants from Mexico, which made his appearance look Mexican descent. He had a handsome looking face but at the same time you could see all the fears and sacrifices he went through just stay alive. He had two younger sisters and two older brothers, which didn’t go through the crazy life like he did, except his sister as she started getting older. In a way he made it seem like he could have been the next mayor for that city, because he made possible many youth outreach programs, he helped get friends out of the streets, and even back into school. He helped stop a lot of fights and violence, and even at once try to bring both of enemy barrios together in peace (Lomas and Sangra). That was very hard for him, because he was not so long ago associated for a long time with one of the gangs of “Lomas” and “Sangra” was their most hated enemy. But he did it to help out the rest of them to show them that they are all the same they fight for one same reason, and they are more similar then they think. So why fight against each other.
Evaluation: I really enjoyed reading this book it had me every time I put the book down guessing what was going to happen next. It really opened my eyes, it made me feel how lucky I am to not even live that kid of life right now. And all the details that were expressed were very sharp and descriptive. I liked this book because it wasn’t those kind of books that you get bored of reading because there too descriptive and can’t get to the point but this book is great! And just like my friends recommended this book to me, I will pass on the recommendation to other friends so they could read it also.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Decorum- n: politeness, manners, dignity. In this picture it showing a busboy that works in a fancy hotel, and they always are very polite to their customers.
Despondent- adj: feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom: despondent about failing health. I think this picture symbolizes despondednt because the girl is showing no hope for her future, just because her mom kicked her out of the house because she is a drug addict.
Intrepid - adj:brave, courageous, bold. This a picture of being brave and courageous because personally i think skydiving is very risk taking because if any accident you could just die, and plus im scared of heights.
trepidation - n: tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.
vacillate - v: be indecisive or irresolute.
desultory - adj: Moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected.
fallacy - n: A statement or an argument based on a false or invalid inference.
heritage - n: something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth; an inherited lot or portion.
guru - n: an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.
trepidation - n: tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.
vacillate - v: be indecisive or irresolute.
desultory - adj: Moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected.
fallacy - n: A statement or an argument based on a false or invalid inference.
heritage - n: something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth; an inherited lot or portion.
guru - n: an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.
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