In my house I have the beach and the pool a
proximity to my house, it's practically my backyard.
Proximity: Nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation.

I personally think that watching the sunset on the beach is relaxing and very
tranquil, it relievs my stress and feel happy and peaceful.
Tranquility: Quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.

This maze was a
tortuous adventure trying to get out of it, it had crazy turns and pretend exits.
Tortuous: full of twists, turns, or bends; twisting, winding, or crooked.

To jump "double dutch" the two people jumping if so have to jump
synchronously if not it will mess up tho whole pattern.
synchronously: Occurring at the same time; coinciding in time.

Lucille Ball is a beautiful woman, especially when she was younger, now that she has
senescented she still remains the same Lucy with her smile.
Senescent: Growing old; aging.

The little is always a
reticence student and doesn't have any friends, mostly becuase he gets picked on alot.
Reticence: Disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved.

To take apart a car, and put it back together is a laboriously action, and only some people coud do that; the people with patience and effort.
Laboriously: Characterized by or requiring extreme care and much attention to detail.

This dessert table is
interminable and will never end, because once a dessert goes away the chefs bring 0ut some more, which is like paradise because there neverending delights!
Interminable: Incapable of being terminated; unending.
Vocabulary words:
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