Euphoria- a feeling of happiness. This picture is symbolizing happiness, because it shows the love from the baby to the mother, and how happy the mom is getting special kisses from her daughter. (own picture)
Eulogy- a set oration in honor of a deceased person. This picture is symbolizing Eulogy because the peopole in this picture are praying for ther person that died.
Erratic- eccentric; queer. This person is weird and unusual for dressing up as a cat. Which expresses the word Erratic, because the person is a queer.
Erode- destroy by slow consumption or disintegration. This mummy was disintegrated of its body by being buried for alot years, so the skin dissolved and slowly destroyed and left with maybe the bones.
Euthanasia- mercy killing. In this picture is a needle in which people have the choice to be put to sleep, or have a painnless death. Maybe for the reason that the patient will be paralized in their whole body for there rest of their life.
equivocate - to avoid making an explicit statement.
eradicate - to remove or destroy utterly; extirpate
escalate - to increase in intensity
esoteric - understood by or meant for only the select few.
Euphoria- a feeling of happiness.
espouse - to make one's own; adopt or embrace, as a cause
eulogy - a set oration in honor of a deceased person.
Euthanasia- mercy killing.
Erode- destroy by slow consumption or disintegration.
Erratic- eccentric; queer.
11) epitome - a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class
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