bIRTH/PLACE: December 12, 1745 in New York City, New York, United States.
dIED: 1829 in New York, New York, United States(age 83).
OCCUPATiON: Diplomat, Politician, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and Author.
bEST KNOWN AS: One of the authors of The Federalist Papers.
SChOOL ATTENDED: King's College, 1764 (now known as Columbia University).
hIS GOAL/dREAM: To establish a fair government system
bRIEF HiSTORY: While growing up in New York he became a lawyer. His ability to compromise and negotiate with others led him to help draft the constitution for the State of New York. Just as many other founding fathers in history as well as John Jsy did; they believed in fair government system. But as tension grew between Great Britain and the American colonists, he first opposed to the war, but later drafted a compromise document called Address to the People of Great Britain.While the Revolutionary War was going on, John sent cannons to George Washington's troops in New York. He also organized a council to search for spies and traitors. Soon he traveled to Paris and worked with Benjamin Franklin to negotiate peace with Great Britain.
Since he didn't agree with the new government (Articles of confederation) Alexander Hamilton, James Madison including himself wrote 5 essays to argue for a new government structure. these writings were called the Federalist Papers soon ratified by the U.S. Constitution.
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